Listings Insert/Update Price, Cost, Min, and Max.

  1. One by one, update each value in the listing line.
  2. In Bulk, using filters.
  3. In Bulk, using an export file.

1. One by one, update each value in the listing line.

Click any of the  PriceCostMin, or Max in the listing line, add the new value, and hit Enter:

2. In Bulk, using filters.

Use the Sitnsell Filters and Searches to get to the desired listings.

NOTE:  All the filters are set by default to show only products  "with quantity". Remove the  "with quantity"  filter if you have to see all the products in the system. Going back and forth in filters will add         "with quantity".

Click 1. Change Prices>2.Change Price:

Enter 1. Value>click 2. Update Price

3. In Bulk, using an export file.

Use the Sitnsell Filters and Searches to get to the desired result.

NOTE:  All the filters are set by default to show only products  "with quantity". Remove the  "with quantity"  filter if you have to see all the products in the system. Going back and forth in filters will add         "with quantity".

Update the Price, Cost, Min, and Max in Bulk using an export file:

Click " Export"

Go to 1. Reports and 2. Download the file:

Open the file and modify the Price*, Cost, Min, and Max as needed

  1. add the new value under the CURRENT_PRICE column, 
  2. addvalue under the  CHANGE_CURRENT_PRICE column:

All the  CURRENT_PRICE rows with N value in the CHANGE_CURRENT_PRICE column will be ignored.

Upload the file:

NOTE: If the upload generates errors, open the error file, fix the errors, and upload the file again
When the upload generates an error that says: "Line 2: Size has already been taken" it means that size for that SKU has a different UPC in the system. The size and the UPC must be verified and corrected.
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