Listings - How to Correct Failed Listings

A. Listings failed due to the use of the wrong Identifier Type:

Change the Identifier Type:


The listing will automatically move to "In Progress" and it will be listed/updated

B. Listings failed due to the use of more information than allowed by the system:

Verify all the information added is below the number of characters allowed and correct it:


The listing will automatically move to "In Progress" and it will be listed/updated.


"The listing failed because there is one error

  • XML Parsing Error at Line ...,(Disregard the line number) Column 26: cvc-type.3.1.3: The value '' of element 'Value' is not valid."

Locate your product ASIN using Amazon's catalog per Amazon Guide to Fix Listings

Add the ASIN to the Listing ID

If an ASIN is not available, Delete and Park with the message "No ASIN"

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