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How to Fix Common Listings Errors

Errors to be checked at the end of the day

After a day of changing, adding, or manipulating data, it is a good practice to verify the system for errors. 

  1. Review the Potential Profit Loss for pricing errors.
  2. Sort Listings Ascending by Cost and add Cost where missing
  3. Sort Listings Descending by Cost and correct the Price
  4. Sort Listing Ascending by Price and correct no price
  5. Sort Listing Descending by Price

Listings Requiring Attention

  • All the errors for the Amazon accounts must be fixed in each individual Amazon Seller's Central account.
  • All the errors for the Walmart accounts must be fixed in Sitnsell.

To access the listings requiring attention can be done from the dashboard:

Click "Fix Listings"

Click "Grouped Errors"

or from the 1. Listings>2. Click here to view the listings that need attention:

Click See Grouped Errors

Most common errors reported by Amazon and How to fix them:

1. Error: '[brand]' is required but not supplied.

How to fix: Check Listing SKU in Amazon Seller's Central and add a brand.

Skip if this message is received: "You are not authorized to fix this issue" and retire the listing with the comment: "You are not authorized to fix this issue".

2. Error: '[color]' is required but not supplied.

How to fix: Check Listing SKU in Amazon Seller's Central and add color.

Skip if this message is received: "You are not authorized to fix this issue" and retire the listing with the comment: "You are not authorized to fix this issue".

3. Error: '[department]' is required but not supplied.

How to fix: Check Listing SKU in Amazon Seller's Central and add department.

Skip if this message is received: "You are not authorized to fix this issue" and retire the listing with the comment: "You are not authorized to fix this issue".

4. Error: '[footwear_size]' is required but not supplied.

How to fix: Check Listing SKU in Amazon Seller's Central and add size.

Skip if this message is received: "You are not authorized to fix this issue" and retire the listing with the comment: "You are not authorized to fix this issue".

5. Error: '[product_description]' is required but not supplied.

How to fix: Check Listing SKU in Amazon Seller's Central and add a description.

Skip if this message is received: "You are not authorized to fix this issue" and retire the listing with the comment: "You are not authorized to fix this issue".

6. Error: '[size]' is required but not supplied.

How to fix: Check Listing SKU in Amazon Seller's Central and add size.

Skip if this message is received: "You are not authorized to fix this issue" and retire the listing with the comment: "You are not authorized to fix this issue".

7. Error: An internal error occurred while publishing this item. Please re-ingest the item, Active distributor is not set for the item., Primary Image Missing, Shipping information is not found, and No online price is found for the item

How to fix: This error means you've done nothing wrong. There was a simple glitch during the processing and you need to re-publish the item.  If the problem persists, contact Walmart.

8. Error: Another product ID in the same seller/org contains the SKU [%s]. As needed, perform an SKU override to change the value. Seller/3P users can access and/or to troubleshoot. Note that supplier/1P users cannot perform a SKU/product ID override.

How to fix: TBD

9. Error: Business - Brand Management

How to fix: Approval required

10. Error: Business - Content Policy

How to fix: Approval required

11. Error: Compliance - Legal Restricted

How to fix: Walmart compliance requirements

12. Error: Compliance - Consumer Protection

How to fix: Walmart compliance requirements

13. Error: Compliance - Other

How to fix: Walmart compliance requirements

14. Error: Due: (date). This listing will be search suppressed if you do not respond by the due date. '[color]' is required but not supplied.

How to fix: Amazon: deleted the listing, wait for 24 hours, and relisted it

15. Error: Due: (date). This listing will be search suppressed if you do not respond by the due date. '[footwear_size]' is required but not supplied.

How to fix: Amazon: deleted the listing, wait for 24 hours, and relisted it

16. Error: Incorrect/Misleading Content (For Walmart internal use only: CDMPIDO-7240)

How to fix: contact Walmart.

17. Error: Incorrect/Misleading Content (For Walmart internal use only: CDMPIDO-7240)

How to fix: contact Walmart.

18. Error: instance failed to match exactly one schema (matched 0 out of 24) object instance has properties which are not allowed by the schema: ["Shoes"]

How to fix: contact Walmart.

19. Error: Invalid data type. Found null. Expected string

How to fix: Contact Sitnsell

20. Error: Invalid data type. Found null. Expected string Variant Group ID is required when Variant Attribute Names is present

How to fix: Contact Sitnsell

21. Error: IP - Copyright, Trademark, Patent

How to fix: Walmart Intellectual Property Infringement

22. Error: IP - Enhanced Vetting

How to fix: Walmart IP claim

23. Error: Merchant is not authorized to sell products under this restricted product group.

How to fix: Open a ticket with Walmart support requesting UPC exemption for the brand or category that you’re interested in selling

24. Error: Offer end date has passed

How to fix: Re-publish the item.

25. Error: Please check, in Amazon Seller's Central for unpublished status reasons.

How to fix: Check, in Amazon Seller's Central for unpublished status reasons.

26. Error: Pricing: Pricing Error-Low Price: ATOM (For Walmart internal use only: ...)

How to fix: contact Walmart.

27. Error: Primary Image Missing

How to fix:

Walmart: upload a picture in Sitnsell and Save

Amazon: Upload a picture in Seller's Central.

28. Error: Reasonable price requirements are not met, Reasonable Price Not Satisfied

How to fix: Fix the price

29. Error: You are not authorized to list products under this brand. To sell products under this brand, please try adding one of your SKUs under this brand through the 'Add a Product' page and follow the application instructions.

How to fix: Request approval

30. Error: Please contact SitnSell team to help you solve this issue.

How to fix: Contact Sitsnsell

31. Error: The Product ID is invalid. Ensure GTINs are 14 digits, EANs are 13 digits and UPCs are 12 digits

How to fix: Correct the type of barcode and save

32. Error: There was an issue when we tried to download the image. Please try to resubmit it again. If the issue continues, please contact Walmart Partner Support by clicking on the 'Support' tab in your seller or supplier knowledge base.

How to fix: Re-publish the item

33. Error: Trust & Safety

How to fix: TBD

34. Error: The system cannot update or create the offer. An offer exists for the SKU and 'ProductId' combination. Validate the SKU and ProductId combination and reattempt. If the issue persists, contact the support team at

How to fix: Contact Walmart

35. Error: string "" is too short (length: 0, required minimum: 1)

How to fix: Edit the item and fill in the mandatory information

36. Error: Variant Attribute Names is required when Variant Group ID is present

How to fix: TBD

37. Error: Shipping information is not found

How to fix: TBD

38. Error: An internal error occurred while publishing this item.

How to fix: Re-publish the item.

39. Error: Active distributor not set for the item

How to fix: TBD

40. Error: No online price found for the item

How to fix: TBD

41. Error: string"..."  is too long (length: xxx, maximum allowed: 500)

How to fix: Edit the item and reduce the number of characters.

42. Error: Legacy Item ID is not present in the system.

How to fix: TBD

43. Error: We believe the main image has non-pure white background which is not permitted for this product type. Please submit a compliant image to lift the suppression. Also refer to Product image requirements.

How to fix: Correct the picture and upload to Amazon Seller's Central

44. Error: This SKU is already set up with a different Product ID (i.e., GTIN, UPC, ISBN, etc.). If you are trying to change this SKU's Product ID, you have to indicate that in either the request (for API users) or the Spec (Excel users). For more info, search for Update Product ID in the Knowledge Base and follow the instructions

How to fix:

The system cannot update or create the offer. An offer exists for the SKU and 'ProductId' combination. Validate the SKU and ‘ProductId’ combination and reattempt. If the issue persists, contact the support team at

  1. Toggle SKU Update?
  2. Save

The Product ID already exists in your seller catalog with a different SKU. Select Yes from the drop-down in the SKU Update column to update the SKU value. For more details, review this Help article:

  1. Toggle SKU Update?
  2. Save

Another product ID in the same seller/org contains the SKU [%s]. As needed, perform a SKU override to change the value. Seller/3P users can access and/or to troubleshoot. Note that supplier/1P users cannot perform a SKU/product ID override.

  1. Toggle SKU Update?
  2. Save

45. Error: Due: Jul 29, 2022. This listing will be search suppressed if you do not respond by the due date. '[color]' is required but not supplied.

How to fix: fix the issue before the date to avoid removal.

Skip if this message is received: "You are not authorized to fix this issue" and retire the listing with the comment: "You are not authorized to fix this issue".

46. Error: This ASIN has GTIN codes that do not match the brand associated to the ASIN. GTIN codes are reliable data that are used to limit duplicate products in the catalog and ensure product authenticity. We verify the authenticity of GTINs by checking the GS1 database and GTINs that do not match information in GS1 are considered invalid. We recommend obtaining your GTINs directly from GS1 (and not from other third parties selling GTIN licenses) to ensure the appropriate information is reflected in the GS1 database. If you believe we have removed your ASIN in error, contact Selling Partner Support <a href="/help/hub/support/describe">here</a>. Repeatedly creating ASINs for brands you do not have a relationship with will result in the removal of ASIN creation abilities. <a href="/gp/help/external/G200317470" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> Learn more </a>.

How to fix: Verify the barcode and contact Selling Partner Support if it is correct.

47. Error: Invalid data type. Found null. Expected string Variant Group ID is required when Variant Attribute Names is present

How to fix: Contact Sitnsell

48. Error: It looks like there was a glitch on our end. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact Walmart Partner Support.

How to fix: Re-publish; if it is not working contact Walmart support.

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