Amazon Common Listing Errors

When you are listing to Amazon via Sitnsell, we strongly recommend following the detailed steps in our Listing a Product to Amazon via ASIN and Listing a New Product to Amazon (no existing ASIN) guides to minimize the chance of receiving listing errors back from Amazon.  If you do receive an error, this guide should help to identify the most common issues and solutions.

Sitnsell will display ............... in the listing status on the main Products page and within the Listings tab of a product if we receive an error message from Amazon when you submit or revise a listing.  

To check and correct the error, click on the product title from the main Products page, navigate to the Listings tab from the left-hand column, then on the Amazon listing profile line, click the Edit button on the far right to enter the listing profile and view the error message, which will be displayed in a grey banner at the top of the page.


Error Message

The SKU data provided conflicts with the Amazon catalog. The itemid value(s) provided correspond to the ASIN "XXXXXX", but some information contradicts with the Amazon catalog. The following are the attribute value(s) that are conflicting: standardproduct_id (Merchant: 'XXXXXX' / Amazon: 'YYYYYY').

Cause of Error

The product already exists on Amazon or in your inventory with the same SKU but the barcode conflicts with what you are trying to submit now with what it is on Amazon


You need to change your barcodes to match or if the product exists on your inventory as a result of an incorrect submission then purge/delete the incomplete Amazon listing before resubmitting


Error Message

XML Parsing Error at Line 8, Column 236: cvc-maxLength-valid: Value 'XXXXXXXXXXX)' with length = 'XXXXXXX' is not facet-valid with respect to maxLength '40' for type 'SKUType'.

Cause of Error

You have entered a SKU that is over 40 characters.  This can also happen if you have sent the same SKU to Amazon on more than one listing then you will have created a pseudo-SKU, this will add a (1) to the end of your SKU in Amazon's backend.


Shorten the SKU so it's 40 characters or less, if you find you have a pseudo SKU you will have to shorten the affected SKU by a further 3 characters.


Error Message

You cannot change the 'itemclassification' for SKU 'XXXXXXXXX' by submitting a feed with a new value. To change this attribute, do the following: 1) Submit a feed to delete the existing SKU. 2) Submit a feed to recreate the SKU with the updated 'itemclassification'.

Cause of Error

The SKU has been created on your Amazon inventory incorrectly but is now in a state where it cannot be revised with the new details you have inserted.


You should click the "Delete from Amazon" button at the top of the listing page and wait up to 24 hours for Amazon to fully delete the SKU. Then you can resubmit the listing with your revisions and it should go through successfully.


Error Message

There is a restriction in effect at the item level (because of Item-Level gatings on an offer)

Cause of Error

You're listing to a product that already exists on Amazon but that product has restrictions on what conditions can be used (You cannot list a used item to a product that can only have new items on)


You must list the allowed conditions for that product.


Error Message

You are not authorized to list products in this category. To sell products in this category you need to obtain approval by following the instructions given here:

Cause of Error

Some categories are restricted on Amazon and you need to apply on Amazon before you can start selling in these categories.


Follow the link provided ( for more information on how to get access to restricted categories or contact Amazon for more information.


Error Message

XML Parsing Error at Line 8, Column 331538: cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'ProductData' is not complete. One of '{ClothingAccessories, Clothing, Miscellaneous, CameraPhoto, Home, Sports, SportsMemorabilia, ProfessionalHealthCare, ThreeDPrinting}' is expected.

Cause of Error

A category or product sub-type has not been specified


Please ensure that categories one and two are both populated before resubmitting. If you are listing to the Clothing category, then ensure that 'Product sub-type is specified in place of category two.


Error Message

The data you provided for an attribute does not match the list of valid values. Please select a valid value from the Data Definitions and resubmit.

Cause of Error

You have entered a value for an item specific that doesn't match the list of values that Amazon accepts

Solution - download the template for the category here and check which values are valid for the item specifics


Error Message

SKU xxxxxxxxxx, Missing Attributes standardproductid. SKU xxxxxxxxxx does not match any ASIN. Creation of a new ASIN requires the following missing attributes: standardproductid.

Cause of Error

No product identifier (e.g. ASIN, barcode, Manufacturer/MPN) specified


Fill in ASIN OR barcode OR Manufacturer/MPN as applicable


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