"I ordered size 9.5, not 7.5. not sure what happened."
For all complaints or discrepancies received, the following steps are required, to determine the root cause of the complaint:
- Copy the order # 111-1763330-8336215
- Search 1. Orders for the 2. order# 111-1763330-8336215:
- Click the order #, to open the order:
- Copy the Listing SKU:
- Search in 1. Listings the 2. Listing SKU:
- Click on the X to remove "Quantity is With":
- Move the cursor over the market icon to identify the correct account from where the order was received:
- Click Listing Title to open the listing on the identified account:
- Copy the Listing ID:
- Go to Amazon Seller Central 1. Catalog> 2. Add Products> 3. Find your products in Amazon's catalog, paste, and 4. search the Listing ID:
- Compare 1. Pictures, 2. Color and Size and 3. Barcode with the corresponding values from Sitnsell:
If the information from the Amazon catalog matches the information from the Sitnsell Listing SKU, the complaint is not established as a system error, and no further action is required(*).
If the information from the Amazon catalog does not match the information from the Sitnsell listing, the following action is required:
- Retire the Listing SKU on the market from where the complaint order was received
- Retire all the Listing SKU on all the accounts for the same market.
- Notify the appropriate associates, to investigate and fix the issue using the Internal Notification System\ >Type 1: Listing Reviews procedure.
(*) Reply to the customer that " Following our internal investigation, the shipment matches the order placed" and follow the company policy regarding customer satisfaction.