Amazon Listings - Make Changes/Correct

Zone I: Sitnsell automatically creates a listing in Amazon matching the data from the Amazon catalog with the Sitnsell Products catalog, based on the Barcodes, and brings the ASIN into the Sitnsell>Listings.

Zone II: Sitnsell updates repeatedly the inventory and the price from the Sitnsell Listing to the Amazon Seller's Listing.

Zone III: Sitnsell re-matches the Sitnsell Listing with the Amazon Seller's Listing, on ASIN changes.

How to align the Sitnsell Listing with the Amazon Seller's Listing (Amazon catalog):

Occasionally, Sitnsell SKU Listing has a different Amazon Listing assigned. If the Seller's market has the incorrect Barcode assigned to a product, Sitnsell suggests 3 (three) options to align the Sitnsell Listing with the Amazon Seller's Listing.

Option 1: Change in Sitnsell the "Listing ID" with the correct one.

Option 2: Change in Sitnsell the "Product Inventory Source".

Option 3: Change the size of Amazon Seller's Market

Option 4: Contact Amazon Support to Request a Product ID Update


Option 1: Change "Listing ID" with the correct one.

Get the correct ASIN from the Amazon catalog, using the Options indicated in Fix Listings in Draft Status

Copy the ASIN:

paste the  ASIN in the Sitnsell edited listing under Listing ID:

Click Save

The listing will be reassigned to the new ASIN in the Amazon system within the following hour.

Option 2: Change "Product Inventory Source":

Assign an existing Amazon Listing Identifier to a different Product Inventory Source:

Under "Product Inventory Source" click "Here"

Search for the 1. Barcode or SKU that matches the product needed, select the one matching the Amazon catalog, and click 2. Change:

Click " Save"

The listing will be reassigned to the new Barcode.

NOTE: A wrong listing in the Amazon catalog must be fixed on all Sitnsell listings, for all the Amazon accounts. All the Listings for the Barcode from the SKU must be checked for similar problems.

Option 3. Change the size in Amazon Seller's Market:

The 1. size, in the listing name, is different from the Product Inventory Source 2. size:

Go to Amazon Seller Central and search the inventory for the 1. UPC/ASIN and click the 2. SKU:

Click the Edit Listing:

Click the  Suggested changes to product information:

Click the  Product Details:

Scroll down to Footwear Size and fill in the information requested:

Scroll down to the bottom and click the Save and finish.

Click OK, fill in the remainder of the items that require attention:

Go to 1. Product Identity, add the 2. Item Name to reflect the new size and click the 3 Save and Finish:

Once the change is submitted, verify in 30 minutes the result:

I confirmed that a listing has the wrong size listed on Amazon for the barcode on the shoe box. Only the brand owner can update it, so we need to delete and park the listing in Sitnsell with the note: " "Barcode listed incorrectly on Amazon."
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