User: your email
Password: Password requirements
- Your password is case-sensitive.
- Your password MUST be between 8 and 16 characters in length.
- Your password MUST have at least one UPPERCASE character.
- Your password MUST have at least one LOWERCASE character.
- Your password MUST have at least one number.
- Your password MUST have at least one Special (Non-Alphanumeric) character (eg. ! @ # $ % ^ & * ).
- Your password MUST be different from any used previously.
- Your password MUST NOT contain spaces.
- Your password MUST NOT contain part of your name or username.
To avoid impacting the
privacy, the
transparency, and the
accountability of the other associates and facilitate the
communication "one on one" to:
- Use only your personal account
- DON'T SHARE your personal information
- DO NOT use other associates' accounts
- log off any account left open by another user and log in with your credentials.
- DO NOT save your password in a shared browser or computer
The above requirement affects all tablets, computers, or any electronic device used for Sitnsell access.