Add or edit users' credentials
New User
To create a new user, go to the Dashboard module, click the gear icon to open Settings, and go to "Stuff &Permissions"
click "Add new+":
Fill in all the required information in the "Create new user" fields.
Click Save to complete.
Existing user
To change or reset passwords for existing users:
Log Out
Click "Forgot your password?"
Enter the email used for the Sitnsell app and click "Reset your password":
Go to your email and follow the instructions.
Password: Password requirements
- Your password is case-sensitive.
- Your password MUST be between 8 and 16 characters in length.
- Your password MUST have at least one UPPERCASE character.
- Your password MUST have at least one LOWERCASE character.
- Your password MUST have at least one number.
- Your password MUST have at least one Special (Non-Alphanumeric) character (eg. ! @ # $ % ^ & * ).
- Your password MUST be different from any used previously.
- Your password MUST NOT contain spaces.
- Your password MUST NOT contain part of your name or username.