Products, How the System Manage Cost and Pricing

To add products to Sitnsell, one of the following 2 values is required:

  1. REFERENCE_SALE_PRICE  ( which is the price you would like to use on the Seller's Markets for the product)
  2. A  COST, if a  REFERENCE_SALE_PRICE  is not provided, the system will double the cost to set the  REFERENCE_SALE_PRICE.

The system will consider first the  REFERENCE_SALE_PRICE, then will double the COST (if the REFERENCE_SALE_PRICE is not present)

Note:   REFERENCE_SALE_PRICE is used only when the listing is created and will not update existing listings if it's changed.
Analytics: For the Analytics purpose only,  without a COST the system will not provide the correct numbers.
Note: Price changes must be done only in Sitnsell, a price change in the seller's market will be overwritten by the price from Sitnsell
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