Guidelines to Process Orders

These are general guidelines that businesses must follow to process orders efficiently:

The 3 steps to process orders are:

  • Step 1: Pick the items
  • Step 2: Process the items
  • Step 3: Pack and Ship

Step 1: Pick the Items from the shelves

  1. Use a Tablet or a Laptop, with a barcode scanner attached.
  2. go to the Sitnsell application: (click the link).
  3. Log in.
  4. on the Dashboard, click on Sitnsell Scanning.
  5. Select the warehouse from which you will work.
  6. Click on Pick List
  7. Locate a Shelf on the list 
  8. go to that shelf in the Warehouse
  9. Locate the Item(s) on the shelf
  10. Remove the Item(s) and place them on the cart.  
  11. DO NOT SCAN the item on the shelf and/or DO NOT MOVE the item to another shelf.
  12. Scan the Shelf Barcode
  13. Scan the removed Item(s) from the cart.
  14. Once all the items are scanned from that shelf go back to the Pick List
  15. Continue by following steps 6 to 13 until the Picklist is empty.


  • Collect all the products for processing in the shipping area.
  • DO NOT put the items collected on the shipping table.

Step 2: Process the Items


  • The shipping table must be empty of any boxes, labels, or any other debris (dust included) 
  • 1 item (product box) and 1 shipping label are allowed on the shipping table at a time (except when the order has more items)

2.1 The Steps to Process the item(s) are:

  1. Pick up the first item.
  2. Go to the Processing Table in the Sitnsell Scanning.
  3. Scan the item's UPC.
  4. If the order has more than 1 item, look for the other items and scan every item's barcode until all items from the order are added and the order is showing status "Ready"

2.2 Print the shipping label

Obtaining the shipping label is different from market to market as follow:

2.2.1 For Amazon orders: 

Once the Amazon order has the status  Ready in Sitnsell\Process Order, (this will ensure you have all the items from the order to ship), 

  1. go to your Amazon Seller's Market account. 
  2. purchase the shipping label
  3. print the shipping label, 
  4. go to Step 3: Pack and Ship and continue.

2.2.2 For Walmart labels:

Once the Walmart order is in the Ready status in Sitnsell\Process Order, (this will ensure you have all the items from the order to ship), 

  1. Choose your Own Packaging, 
  2. Click on Get Rates.
  3. Choose the Packaging: manually fill in the Package Dimensions boxes size or pick a preexisting box size.
  4. Adjust the Shipment Weight
  5. Click on the Search Rates button.
  6. Click on the Buy Label button.
  7. Click on Print Shipping Label.
  8. Select the shipping printer (ZP-505 or ZD420)
  9. Click Print
VERY IMPORTANT:  You must close the Shipping Label window immediately after the label is printed, to avoid reprinting it again by mistake the same label for a different order.

2.3 To print the invoice:

  1. Print Invoice (packing slip).
  2. Select invoice printer (TSP800)
  3. Print

2.4 Go to Step 3: Pack and Ship

Step 3: Pack and Ship

NOTE: DO NOT start processing another order until the previous order is packed and placed in the shipping pick-up area, and your table is empty from any items or orders, to avoid mixind the orders.
  1. Grab a cardboard box or a shipping bag
  2. Verify the item's (name, size, and color) against the order and if the quality of the item is as required per the company policy.
  3. Place the item(s) in the box.
  4. Add the invoice (packing slip) inside the box..
  5. Tape the box
  6. Add the label to the box
  7. Place box(s) in the shipping cart/shipping area allocated to the freight company from the label
NOTE: DO NOT leave packed items on the shipping table

Good working practice:

1. Scanning

  • Scanning out the picklist requires placing the item on a cart, and then scanning the item.  
  • DO NOT SCAN the item on the shelf and/or DO NOT MOVE the item to another shelf.
  • The items brought from the warehouse should be placed in a different location, outside the shipping table.    

2. Shipping

  • DO NOT put more than 1 item to process on the shipping table (except when the order requires it).
  • The shipping table must be empty of any boxes, labels, or any other debris (dust included) at the start of each order shipping process.
  • Only One item (one item box) and only one shipping label (one shipping label on the screen too) are allowed on the shipping table at any time unless the order has more items.
  • Close the Shipping Label window on the screen, after each printing, to avoid reprinting it again.

3. Packing

  • DO NOT start processing another order until the previous order is packed, shipped, and outside the shipping table.
  • DO NOT leave packed items on the shipping table.

At the end of the day check the "Pat Due" tab on the Dashboard to make sure is empty.

By following these guidelines, businesses can ensure that orders are processed efficiently and that customers receive their products in a timely and satisfactory manner.

Steps to process orders in Ready status

  1. Click on Continue Processing
  2. Follow the steps above from 2.2

Orders Definitions:

  • Past Due - the order is over the "ship by" required by the seller's market.
  • Due Today - the order must be shipped by the end of the working day, today.
  • New Orders - orders received that are not required to be shipped on the current day.
  • Unfulfillable - there is no inventory available for this order.
  • Pending - the item is waiting for funds approval.
  • Past Orders - orders completed.
  • Canceled - orders canceled either by the customer, by the system, or by the associates.
  • Awaiting fulfillment - the item must be picked from the shelf.
  • Partial Fulfilled - only some of the items are picked from the shelf.
  • Fulfilled - item is removed from the shelf and is ready to be processed.
  • Partial Ready - only some of the items are ready to be processed.
  • Ready - item(s) is processed and is waiting for shipping (the Amazon orders shipped in the Amazon portal will be updated by the system).
  • Partial Shipped - only part of the order was shipped.
  • Shipped - all order has been shipped.

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