Sitnsell Filters, Searches and Bulk Values Updates

Using Filters and Searches

Default Filter Setting:

Filters automatically show in-stock products. To see all products, including out-of-stock items, click the X inside "Stosck Status is With Stock" button to remove the filter. (always click the X inside the button to remove a filter)


Filters: are located in the top left corner of the tab

Select all desired filters before pressing "Apply" for more efficient filtering.

Use the arrow to navigate back within the filters.

Searches are located in the top right corner, into the window.

Available Filters, Searches and Bulk Data Updates


  • Filters:
    • Brand
    • Category
    • Quantity
    • Without Image
    • Market Place/Not Listed On - Use to automaticaly send to Amazon not listed
  • Searches:
    • SKU
    • Barcode
    • Name


  • Filters:
    • Brand
    • Category
    • Quantity
    • Location/Warehouse
  • Searches: SKU, Barcode, Name


  • Filters: Sales Channel, Destination/International, Domestic
  • Searches: SKU, Barcode, Name, Order #, Tracking # (Walmart only)


  • Filters:
    • Details\ Brand, Stock Range, Created At, Updated At, Velocity 30 days, Sales Channel, Fulfillment Network,
    • PricingPrice, Minimum Price, Maximum Price, Strategy,Potential Profit Loss, Competition Price, Cost, Reason for Not Repricing,
    • Status\Staus Stock, Under Review, Status, Error Category, Retire Mode
  • Searches: SKU, Barcode, Name, ASIN (Amazon), Item ID (Walmart)
  • Bulk Values Updates:
    • Change Strategy
    • Change Price: Cost, Price, MIN, MAX, Apply discount, Send to MAX
    • Publish
    • Park
    • Unpark
    • Delete



  • Sales Filters:
    • Brand,
    • Category,
    • Sales Channel,
    • Location/Warehouse
  • Sales Searches: SKU, Barcode, Name, Order #, Tracking # (Walmart only)
  • View by date/reset


  • Inventory Filters:




  • Inventory Searches: Barcode SKU, Name


  • Listings Filters: Brand, Category, Quantity
  • Listings Searches: By Date, Inventory, Listings


  • Brands Searches: Brand
  • Brands Searches: Sales Channel

Inventory Movements

  • Filters: Brand, Category, Author, Location/Warehouse
  • Searches: SKU, Barcode, Name


  • Searches: sales market

Note: Use a combination of filters and search terms to get the most accurate results.

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