Connect to Walmart marketplace.

Prerequisite: In order to be able to connect to the Walmart marketplace, you must go to your Walmart account and collect the Consumer ID and the Private key for Production from your Developer Portal:

  1. Go To MyAccount

  2. Click on: Market Place

  3. Make sure you are in the Production Keys

If the information is not available, make sure you finished the onboarding.

Go to the Dashboard module, click on the gearwheel to open Your sales channels, and click on Create a New Channel.

Go to the Walmart channel and click on the Connect button.


  • store name; this name will show up on your Walmart selling page, on the invoice, and on shipping and return labels.

  • Client ID - from your Walmart account

  • Client secret - private key from your Walmart account

Click on Save to finish. Developer portal

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