Products Add Pictures

  1. Look for the closest picture with 1100x1100 pixels.
  2. The background must be white.
  3. Resize pictures to 1100x1100 if it is smaller (do not use pictures smaller than 400 x400 pixels).
  4. Save pictures under the SKU name as jpg.

Upload the pictures to the Products without a picture:

  1. Go to Products>\Add Filter\Without Images, to determine the products without a picture
  2. Check "True"
  3. Click "Apply the Filter".
  4. Click the product Name to edit the product:
  5. Click "Upload Image":
  6. Select the picture, previously prepared, from your device:
  7. Click Save:

NOTE: The existing picture for an SKU will be automatically updated if there is already a picture available for the same SKU within the system for both manually or in bulk product add-ons.
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