>Orders or Items Cancellation

  • Amazon orders: canceled in Sitnsell will be canceled in the Amazon Seller's market by the system.
  • Amazon and Walmart orders: "customer requested cancelation" - will be canceled in the Seller's market and Sitnsell by the system.
  • Walmart orders: canceled in Sitnsell will be canceled in the Walmart Seller's market by the system.
  • an order "canceled" CAN NOT be brought back to "Awaiting Fulfillment".
  • an order under "Awaiting Fulfillment" - is not canceled until the message under the order is "Canceled".

For "The buyer has requested that this order be canceled." there are two methods to cancel the order, based on the marketplace:

A. Amazon Orders cancelation - the cancellation must be made in the Seller's market.

B. Walmart Orders cancelation - the cancellation must be made in Sitnsell.

A. Amazon Orders cancelation:  - the cancellation must be made in the Seller's market.

On the Amazon Seller's Market order page click on Cancel order:


1. Select the reason (buyer canceled) and click 2. Cancel


No further action is needed. The order will be canceled in Sitnsell in the next 10 to 20 minutes. Amazon will send the cancellation message to the customer.

Note: to speed up the process of removal of the Amazon orders from the picklist, use the below Sitnsell Orders Cancelation method for Walmart.

B. Walmart Orders Cancelation: - the cancellation must be made in Sitnsell.

The Walmart request for order cancellation can be seen going to the Walmart Seller's Market account in:

1. Customer Messages 

2. "Cancel my Order" 

3. the message needs to be answered by the person who does the cancelation: Dear Customer, we canceled your order as you requested. Customer Service.

NOTE: Before answering, always verify if the order is not shipped?
If it's shipped, reply to the customer: Dear Customer, We've tried to cancel your order as you requested, but it's already shipped; your tracking# ... Customer Service.


To Cancel Orders in Sitnsell: 

Copy the Order # and 2. paste the Order # in  1. Orders


Click the 1. area where you see a number if the order is not available in the order's line and then click 2. order # to edit the order:


Click the 1. Line Item to see the 2. Options:


Click Void, to extract the amount of pickup without creating a stock move:


Select the 1. quantity you want to remove and click 1. Save::2022-06-10_20-19-44.png

The order becomes unfulfillable; click on the 1. Line Item and click on 2 Cancel :


Pick a reason:


Select the 1. quantity to be canceled and click 2. Save:2022-06-10_20-33-07.png

A message will notify you about the status of the cancelation:


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