Unfulfillable orders - correct or cancel

An order is considered unfulfillable when it cannot be completed or processed due to various reasons. This could be due to factors such as:

  1. Out of Stock: The item(s) requested in the order are not available in the inventory.

The order must be canceled because it can not be fulfilled. In such cases, Sitnsell notifies the market about the cancelation status, and the market will notify the customer and refund the order.

NOTE: When inventory is not physically on the shelf, the following steps are mandatory:

  • Check all system shelves for inventory.
  • Rescan IMMEDIATELY shelves with inventory in Sitnsell system but not on the shelf, to prevent future orders for non-existing items.
  • check outside Sitnsell inventory before canceling the order.

  1. Invalid Information: The order is missing the UPC

How to add or replace a Universal Product Code (UPC) for an order?

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