Sitnsell: Inventory Issues

Preventing inventory issues

With Sitnsell, you can effectively manage and monitor your inventory in real-time. However, the precision of the inventory largely depends on the manual input of warehouse associates. Therefore, regular interventions are necessary to ensure accuracy.

  • If you are uncertain whether an item has been scanned and placed on a shelf, it is advisable to rescan the entire shelf.
  • Scan the whole shelf again right away if the product is not found.
  • Always scan an item before moving it into or out of the shelf.
  • Conduct regular rescanning/audits. 
  • Identify any discrepancies and investigate the causes.
  • Educate your employees about the importance of accurate inventory management 
  • Provide your employees with training on using inventory management software effectively. 
  • Encourage them to report any inventory discrepancies they encounter.

How to switch an inventory item from a 'Due Today' order to an 'Unfulfillable' order.

Look up the barcode and navigate to the order listed under 'Due Today'.

Cancel the order (reason No inventory)

Go to the order that can't be fulfilled, copy the SKU without including the size (remember the size separately), and then click on the pen icon.

Choose a size that is in stock, different from the one originally ordered.

Click on the pen icon once more and change the size of the order this time.

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