Customer service email templates

A checklist of customer service email template tips

  • Address your customer by name.
  • Be clear on the customer's issues and needs.
  • Make sure you have all the right information.
  • Show empathy.
  • Exercise friendly professionalism.

Best practices for writing customer service emails

  1. Use the customer's name.

Personalize your message by addressing the customer with their name to ensure it feels tailored to them.

  1. Familiarize yourself with important details about their business or buyer persona.

Understand the key details of their business or buyer persona to determine their reason for contacting you. Are they a user of your product, a decision-maker, or did they choose your business for a specific reason?

  1. Have the customer's chat history available

When responding to a customer complaint or email, it‘s important to understand their situation.

Knowing their history with your company can guide your tone, whether apologetic or cheerful.

Personalize templates with their conversation history for added context.

  1. Try to understand their problem

When reading an email, understand the problem before crafting a response. If you need clarity, ask questions in your response.

Fill every email with empathy, even with angry customers.

Empathy can help with frustrated customers and prevent them from leaving. Read our guide to respond to angry customer emails.

Offer specific solutions or steps to resolve the issue.

When personalizing your response, understand the customer's problem clearly. Provide clear instructions by breaking down complex processes into simple steps for easy understanding.

Use templates.

Built-in templates can help save time and effort making it easy to tailor messages to each customer's needs and concerns.

Anticipate extra questions or concerns.

Have a ready response to the issue at hand and be proactive when connecting with customers. Anticipate their potential questions and add responses to your email to improve their experience and show commitment to their satisfaction.

Source for the above:

6 Awesome customer service email templates
Now that we’ve gone over the importance of writing good customer service emails and the key customer service issues you’ll want to include in them, here are six examples of common scenarios where well-written customer service email templates can really come in handy, saving you time.
We’ve included some suggested email templates that you can use as a starting point for creating your own templates for each of these scenarios:
1. Discount request template reply
It’s not uncommon for customers to request discounts when things don’t go 100% right in a transaction or per their expectations. Discounts can certainly be a good way to satisfy customers and continue to build loyalty when things aren’t right.
That said, there are situations where being able to provide a customer discount based on a request is not always feasible or cost-effective for the business. Typically, this is when a customer has asked for a discount proactively, yet there’s no negative issue to mitigate.
In such a scenario, when a customer asks for a discount that is not possible for the company to provide, the following email response template can be useful:
Hi [first_name],
Thank you so much for your business with [company name]!
We appreciate you contacting us to see what options we have available. At this time, we regret that we are unable to offer any discounts or special offers.
We use top-quality materials and superior design to deliver a product of great value to our customers and we hope you see this reflected in each product you receive.
Thanks again and we wish you the very best.
Best wishes,
2. Special request template email
Sometimes, customers will email you requesting a special design feature or customisation that your company does not offer. In these situations, you always want to make sure that customers understand that while you value their business, such requests are unfortunately not possible as per policy.
You want to be diplomatic when you send such replies, because you don’t want your customer feeling sheepish or brushed off for making their request, yet at the same time you must convey why it’s not possible to fulfill such a request:
Hi [first_name],
Thank you for getting in touch and sharing your ideas with us! Unfortunately, we don’t have a way of doing this at the moment, but it’s something we are considering for the future.
We will be sure to take your feedback on board as we update our custom offerings moving forward.
Please make sure to stay on our mailing list, so that you can be the first to know should things change with regards to customisation or new features.
Best wishes,
3. Help request customer service email template
Most commonly, you simply need a basic template that helps respond to your average help request. This is the type of situation where a customer is looking for a resolution to a problem and the template works to offer the customer reassurance, letting them know that the issue is on its way to being resolved.
This is the most basic sort of template, but you definitely need this one in your toolkit since this general query is frequent. Using a template to reply ensures that you keep your language professional and empathetic while saving you time typing the same message over and over.
Hi [first_name],
Thank you for getting in touch. I’m sorry to hear about the trouble you’ve been having with [product/feature]. Our team is doing everything in our power to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. [List steps taken to resolve if necessary.]
To ensure we support you in the best possible way, we’ll just need a few bits of additional information from you. Could you please tell us [information]?
Meanwhile, here are a few actions you can take to help troubleshoot the problem [insert common troubleshooting steps here]. Please let us know if these help solve the problem; otherwise, we will be back in touch with a solution as quickly as we can.
Best wishes,
4. Angry customer email template
Angry customers can be a minefield! Before responding, it’s important not to take customer anger personally. This can certainly be a challenge for even the most experienced customer service professionals, and it helps to bear in mind that sometimes angry customer emails are sent in the heat of the moment, when emotions are high.
Other times, a customer may have simply had a bad day and is taking out their frustrations on customer service. Even if the customer’s grievances are warranted, anger should never influence your own response. You should always try to stay cool, collected, calm and professional in your responses:
Hi [first_name],
Thank you for getting in touch with us at [company name]. First of all, let me just say how sorry we are to hear that you have had a poor experience.
We absolutely understand your concern and our team is reviewing the situation to determine how we can provide you with the best possible solution.
Please bear with us, and we will be in touch as soon as possible to resolve your concern.
Best wishes,
You want to convert an angry customer into a satisfied customer and the best way to do that is through professionalism.
Let the customer know they are heard, empathize with them, and promise a solution. Most people want to know they are being listened to and helped. If you can pull that off without getting drawn into an emotional exchange, you’re on the right track.
5. Faulty product customer service email template
Product issues can be serious for any company, especially if a safety element is in play. Therefore, it’s important to take customer messages about a faulty product very seriously and investigate each one to ensure that the fault isn’t a widespread problem that could lead to consumer danger.
As you investigate, you can use a template to let your customer know that you are taking their issues seriously:
Hi [first_name],
Thank you for getting in touch to let us know about [issue]. We are sorry to hear you have had this experience with one of our products.
Please know that we take the utmost care in creating products that have been tested and trialled. As such, we take issues with our products very seriously. Can you please provide us with a few additional points of information [requested information, e.g., serial number, more info about the fault, etc]?
We are currently investigating this issue as a priority and will come back to you as soon as possible with a solution. In the meantime, please discontinue your use of the product.
Best wishes,
When a customer has an issue with a faulty product, depending on the fault, it may be worth escalating the issue to management. Faulty products must be taken seriously and flagged to the relevant product departments to ensure that they don’t persist in future iterations of the product.
Meanwhile, when going back to the customer about recompense for the faulty product, it’s best to either send a replacement product or a refund.
6. Poor customer service email template
Every business should have the highest levels of customer service training in place, but we are all human and undoubtedly, situations will occur when a customer feels that the service they’ve received has been substandard.
In these situations, you always want to apologize for the poor service and make it better by offering excellent service this time around:
Hi [first_name],
Thank you for getting in touch. Customer satisfaction is very important to us and I’m very sorry to hear that we didn’t meet your expectations in this regard. We apologise for the problems you’ve encountered with our service and have arranged for a [refund/discount] to be applied to your account.
We certainly hope you’ll do business again with us in the future, and allow us to show you the great customer experience we are known for.
Best wishes,
Displaying empathy, apologizing and offering to refund their experience are the best ways you can close the situation respectfully, while hopefully mitigating customer churn and reputation damage.
Final thoughts
Personalizing your approach to customer service is important. Each customer issue is unique and as such, you’ll want to treat each one with the specified attention it deserves. This means that undoubtedly, you’ll want to personalize each email you send to a customer, and these templates should serve as good starting points.

1. Thank You Email Template

Subject: A Special Thank You From [Your Company Name]!


Hi [Customer],

Thank you so much for referring your friend [Friend's Name] to us. It’s been a pleasure getting to know them and doing business together. We’re truly grateful for your continued support and for sharing your experience with your friend.

We consider ourselves lucky to have customers like you. As a token of our appreciation, please enjoy this [coupon/discount] on your next purchase.

[Your Name]

2. Questionnaire Email Template

Subject: We’d Love Your Feedback, [Customer]!


Hey [Customer],

Hope you’re enjoying your [product/service]! Could you spare a moment to help us improve? We’ve prepared a short survey that won’t take much of your time but will make a big difference to us.

As a thank you, [mention any incentive if applicable].

[Attach questionnaire]

Thank you for your valuable input!

[Your Name]

3. Feedback Appreciation Email Template

Subject: Thanks for Sharing Your Thoughts!


Hi [Customer Name],

Your feedback means the world to us. Thank you for taking the time to fill out our questionnaire. Your insights are crucial in helping us enhance our [products/services].

Thank you once again,
[Your Brand/Service]

4. Angry Customer Response Email Template

Subject: We’re Sorry to See You Go, [Customer]



We're truly sorry to hear about your recent experience and the decision you've made. Please know that customer satisfaction is our utmost priority, and we deeply regret not meeting your expectations.

While it saddens us to see you go, we understand your feelings and respect your decision. Should you have any more concerns or need further assistance, we're here for you.

Wishing you all the best,
[Your Name]

5. Customer Complaint Response Email Template

Subject: We’re On It, [Customer]



I’m truly sorry to hear about [summary of their experience]. This is not the standard we aim for, and I understand how frustrating this must be for you.

We're actively working on resolving [the issue] and will keep you updated on our progress. Your patience and feedback are greatly appreciated.

[Your Name]

6. Customer Service Follow-up Email Template

Subject: How’s Your New [Product]?


Hey [Customer],

Hope you’re loving your new [product]. I remember how you were deciding between options and I’m eager to hear your thoughts on your choice.

If there’s anything else you need or want to share about your experience, I’m all ears!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

7. Technical Support Email Template

Subject: Let’s Get This Sorted, [Customer]


Hey [Customer],

Thanks for reaching out about the issue you’re facing. Let’s get to the bottom of this together.

To start, could you provide a bit more detail on:
- When the issue began
- If it’s consistent or sporadic
- Any steps you’ve already tried for a fix

This information will help me tailor a solution for you.

[Your Name]

8. Keep in Touch Email Template

Subject: Farewell, But Not Goodbye, [Customer]


Hey [Customer],

It’s bittersweet to see you move on. Your journey with us for the past [years] has been truly rewarding. Your feedback and support have been invaluable in improving our products/services.

As you venture onto new paths, we hope you’ll keep us in your thoughts. We’d love to celebrate your future successes together.

Please keep in touch!

Best wishes,
[Your Name]

9. Account Manager Introduction Email Template

Subject: Your New Go-To: Meet [Your Name]


Hey [Customer],

I’m [Your Name], thrilled to be your new Account Manager at [Your Company]! I’ve heard fantastic things about you and am eager to start our journey together.

As your point of contact, I’m here to ensure a smooth experience with our [product/service]. Whether it's questions, updates, or feedback, I’m your person.

Looking forward to a chat soon. How does your schedule look this week?

[Your Name]

10. Account Manager Transition Email Template

Subject: A New Chapter: Meet Your New Account Manager


Dear [Customer],

After [years] with [Your Company], I’m embarking on a new adventure at [New Company]. It's been an honor to work with you and watch your growth.

I’m leaving you in great hands with [Replacement's Name], your new Account Manager. [Their Pronoun] has been with us for [years] and will no doubt be a fantastic support to you.

[Replacement's Name] will be in touch soon to introduce [themselves]. I can’t wait to hear about the great things you will accomplish together.

Thank you for a wonderful [years]. Wishing you all the best!

[Your Name]

11. Free Trial Email Template

Subject: Try [Product Name] on Us!


Hi [Prospect],

Noticed your interest in [Product Name] and wanted to offer you a no-strings-attached free trial. Dive into all the premium features for 30 days and see how it fits your needs.

If you’re curious or ready to start, just hit reply. I’m here to help get you set up or answer any questions.

Looking forward to it!

[Your Name]

12. Renewal Reminder Email Template

Subject: Your [Product] Subscription Renewal


Hey [Customer],

Hope you’ve had a great year with [Product]. Just a heads-up, your subscription is up for renewal on [Expiration Date]. 

Interested in renewing or curious about other options? Let’s chat. We’re here to ensure you have the best fit for your needs.

Talk soon,
[Your Name]

13. Customer Referral Email Template

Subject: Know Someone Who Could Benefit From [Product/Service]?


Hi [Customer],

Thrilled to hear you’re loving [Product/Service]! If you know anyone who might benefit as you have, we’d love the chance to help them too.

Your referrals mean the world to us and help us grow. Plus, there’s a little something in it for you too!

Thanks for being amazing,
[Your Name]

14. Customer Onboarding Email Template

Subject: Welcome to [Brand/Service]!


Hi [Customer],

Welcome aboard! We’re thrilled to have you. To get started, follow these steps [link] to set up your profile.

Check out our Blog and FAQ for tips and support. And of course, we’re just an email away for any questions.

Cheers to a great start,
[Your Name]

15. Broken Product or Service Email Template

Subject: Immediate Attention Required: Issue with [Product/Service]


Hi [Customer Name],

We recently identified an issue that may have affected your experience with our [product/service]. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.

The issue has now been resolved, and we want to assure you that we're taking steps to prevent such occurrences in the future. Your satisfaction and trust in our services are of utmost importance to us.

Should you have any concerns or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Best regards,
[Your Brand/Service]

16. Customer Review Request Email Template

Subject: Share Your Experience with [Product/Service]


Hi [Customer],

I hope you're having a great week so far! We noticed you've started to see some impressive results with [product/service] and we're thrilled about your progress.

Could you take a moment to share your experience? Your feedback is invaluable, both to us and to others considering [product/service]. Here are links to our pages on [Review Site 1] and [Review Site 2] where you can share your thoughts.

Thank you so much for your time and for choosing [Your Company]. If there's anything else you need, I'm just an email away.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]

17. Refund to Customer Email Template

Subject: Your Refund Confirmation


Hi [Customer],

I wanted to let you know that we've processed your refund for the [product/service] you recently purchased. You should see the credit in your account within the next few business days.

We're sorry to hear that [product/service] didn't meet your expectations this time. If there's a different product or service that might better fit your needs, we'd be happy to assist you in finding it.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. We hope to have the chance to do so again in the future.

Best wishes,
[Your Name]

18. Product Exchange Email Template

Subject: Arranging Your Product Exchange


Hi [Customer],

Thank you for your patience as we resolved the issue with your recent purchase. We're committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction and have arranged for an exchange of the [product name].

Please find the details of the exchange process attached. We hope this resolves any inconvenience you've experienced and meets your expectations.

If there are any further questions or additional assistance you need, don't hesitate to contact our support team.

Thank you for choosing [Your Company],

[Your Name]

19. Product Discount Email Template

Subject: Special Offer Just for You


Hi [Customer],

We understand that your recent experience with [product/service] was not up to our usual standards. As a gesture of our commitment to your satisfaction, we're offering you a [percentage] discount on your next purchase.

We hope this helps make your next experience with us even better. Please find the discount code attached: [Discount Code].

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. We look forward to serving you again soon.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

20. Customer Apology Email Template

Subject: Our Apologies and Commitment to You


Hi [Customer],

We are reaching out to sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced with [specific issue]. This is not the level of service we aim to provide, and we understand how disappointing this can be.

Please know that we are taking immediate steps to address this issue and prevent it from happening in the future. Your satisfaction is incredibly important to us, and we are here to make things right.

If there is anything specific we can do for you at this moment or if you have any further feedback, please let us know.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

[Your Name]

21. Return of Overpayment Email Template

Subject: Overpayment Refund Notification


Hi [Customer],

During a recent review, we discovered an overpayment on your account for [service/product]. We want to ensure you're aware that we've initiated a refund for the overpaid amount of [amount].

Transparency and trust are key values for us, and we're committed to ensuring every transaction is accurate and fair.

The refund should reflect in your account within the next few business days. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your understanding and for being a valued customer.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

22. Refund Notification Email Template

Subject: Eligibility for a Refund on [Product/Service]


Hi [Customer],

I hope this message finds you well. We're reaching out to inform you that you're eligible for a refund for your recent purchase of [product/service].

This refund is part of our commitment to ensuring your satisfaction and trust in our products/services.

To process this refund or if you have any questions, please contact our customer service team at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for choosing [Your Company], and we look forward to serving you again in the future.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]

23. Refund Status Email Template

Subject: Update on Your Refund Request


Hi [Customer],

I'm writing to provide you with an update regarding your recent refund request for [product/service]. The refund has been successfully processed and should appear on your statement within 3-5 business days.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience throughout this process.

If you have any further questions or if there's anything more we can do for you, please feel free to get in touch.

Thank you for your understanding.

[Your Name]

24. Refund Not Received Email Template

Subject: Your Refund Inquiry


Hi [Customer],

Thank you for reaching out about the refund for [product/service]. I understand your concern and am here to ensure this is resolved swiftly.

I've double-checked with our finance department, and the refund has been issued. However, these transactions can sometimes take a bit longer to appear in your account due to banking processes.

We appreciate your patience and are closely monitoring the situation. If the refund does not appear within [time frame], please contact us again, and we'll take further steps to assist you.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

[Your Name]

25. Out-of-Policy Refund Email Template

Subject: Special Consideration for Your Refund Request


Hi [Customer],

Thank you for your message regarding your recent purchase of [product/service]. I understand your concerns and have carefully reviewed your request for a refund.

Although our standard policy [briefly explain policy] does not typically allow for a refund under these circumstances, we value your satisfaction and are willing to make an exception.

Please allow [time frame] for the refund to be processed. We hope this resolution demonstrates our commitment to your satisfaction and trust in our products/services.

If there are any further questions or if there's more we can do to assist you, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]

26. Welcome Email Template for New Customers

Subject: Welcome to [Your Company]! Let’s Get Started


Hi [Customer],

A warm welcome to [Your Company]! We're thrilled to have you with us and are excited about helping you get the most out of [product/service].

Here’s what you can expect from us:
- Personalized support and guidance
- Regular updates with tips on how to maximize your experience
- Exclusive offers and insights

To get started, [briefly outline any initial steps or resources, like setting up an account or exploring a welcome guide].

If you have any questions or need assistance, our team is here for you. Just hit reply to this email or give us a call at [contact information].

Welcome aboard!

[Your Name]

27. Subscription Cancellation Email Template

Subject: We’re Sorry to See You Go, [Customer]


Hi [Customer],

We’ve processed your request to cancel your subscription to [service/product]. It’s been our pleasure to serve you, and we’re sorry to see you go.

If you have a moment, we’d appreciate any feedback on what we could do better or what led to your decision. Your insights are invaluable to us as we strive to improve [product/service].

Remember, our door is always open if you decide to return or if there’s anything else we can help you with in the future.

Wishing you all the best,

[Your Name]

28. Seasonal Greetings Email Template

Subject: Happy Holidays from [Your Company]!


Dear [Customer],

As the season changes, we wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude for your continued support and trust in [Your Company].

Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season filled with joy, peace, and prosperity. May the new year bring you new opportunities and successes.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. We look forward to serving you in the coming year and beyond.

Happy Holidays!

Warm regards,
[Your Name]

29. Feature Update Email Template

Subject: Exciting New Features to Enhance Your Experience!


Hi [Customer],

Great news! We’ve rolled out new features for [product/service] that we think you’re going to love. Here’s a quick overview of what’s new:
- [Feature 1]: [Brief description]
- [Feature 2]: [Brief description]
- [Feature 3]: [Brief description]

These updates are part of our ongoing commitment to improving your experience and providing value.

To learn more about how these features work and how they can benefit you, check out [link to documentation or video].

As always, we’re here to support you, so if you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Enjoy the new features!

[Your Name]

30. Reactivation Email Template for Inactive Customers

Subject: We Miss You at [Your Company]!


Hi [Customer],

It’s been a while since we last saw you at [Your Company], and we miss having you around! We’ve been busy making improvements and adding new features that we think you’ll love.

To welcome you back, we’re offering a special [discount/offer] on your next purchase. Just use code [Code] at checkout.

Here’s what’s new [briefly mention new products, features, or services].

We’d love to catch up and hear what you’ve been up to. If there’s anything specific you’re looking for or if you have any questions, just hit reply.

Welcome back!

[Your Name]
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