Vegas WS: Google Spreadsheet

2. Start a new tab to add data:

Use the Vegas WS/template on all the new products and/or for "not scanned" that requires to be added to the Sitnsell application as described bellow

  1. go to Vegas WS/template  tab
  2. use the right side of the mouse and click on the "Template" tab
  3. click on the "Duplicate" tab.
  4. move the mouse to the "Copy of Template" tab
  5. use the right side of the mouse and "Rename" it.
  6. use for the name of the tab the following convention:
    • the initials for the warehouse location NJ where NJ: New Jersey.
    • the current date as 20210718 were 2021: year, 08: month, 31: day.
    • your initials JD: John Doe 
    • i.e.: NJ-20210831-JD
Note: DO NOT copy the header and add it to a new tab.
This " Template" tab is pre-formatted to reveal duplicates, expose brand misspellings, and format columns the proper font.  
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