2. Start a new tab to add data:
Use the Vegas WS/template on all the new products and/or for "not scanned" that requires to be added to the Sitnsell application as described bellow
- go to Vegas WS/template tab
- use the right side of the mouse and click on the "Template" tab
- click on the "Duplicate" tab.
- move the mouse to the "Copy of Template" tab
- use the right side of the mouse and "Rename" it.
- use for the name of the tab the following convention:
- the initials for the warehouse location NJ where NJ: New Jersey.
- the current date as 20210718 were 2021: year, 08: month, 31: day.
- your initials JD: John Doe
- i.e.: NJ-20210831-JD
Note: DO NOT copy the header and add it to a new tab.
This " Template" tab is pre-formatted to reveal duplicates, expose brand misspellings, and format columns the proper font.